Thursday, February 28, 2019

Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change


          With our 10th lesson in Empowerment Technology, ICT as Platform for Change, I was able to know that we can use ICT to change the world for the better. Through the past years, ICT really contributed change in our history. From simple radio broadcasts, text brigades, and social media connections, we are able to come up with a change in our society. Align with creating change, we were taught on how to make petitions, which can help us to advocate what we want to change for the future using the website

          What are the implications of media and information to an individual?

In terms of everyday lives, the media is a staple to everyone who has access to it. Since almost everyone gets exposed to a certain form of media every single day, may it be through television or the many applications linking to social media, information spreads wide and it spreads quick. This becomes a problem when people spread fake information which makes people who intake it and believe it as misinformed.

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Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change

                               With our 10th lesson in Empowerment Technology,  ICT as Platform for Change, I was able to know that we...